Category: Meditation

Are you getting your beauty sleep?

You’re probably well aware that when you skimp on sleep, it shows on your face. Your eyes can look puffy and your skin looks pale and washed out!   Lack of sleep makes you more forgetful and less alert, it can also be detrimental to your physical appearance. It causes blood vessels to dilate generating… Read more »

The yogic breath

  When we are born out of our mother’s womb, the first thing we do is breathe! From this day on we develop our own breathing pattern. No one teaches us how to breathe because it’s a rhythmic, involuntary process regulated by our respiratory system. But we can control our breathing! Breath, is life –… Read more »

Yoga for the Modern World

For the last twenty years I have enjoyed regular exercise. Through running I love the high it gives me and through my yoga practice I always feel mentally and physically relaxed. I can benefit from the cardio vascular aspect of running and the mind, body connection that Yoga offers. People have practiced yoga for thousands of… Read more »

Infertility is on the increase!

Over the past twenty years, fertility problems have increased dramatically. At least 25 percent of couples in the UK planning a baby will have trouble conceiving, and more and more couples are turning to fertility treatments to help them start a family. Infertility is the inability to conceive a child. it also refers to the… Read more »

‘Talking Heads’ – manage and prevent headaches and migraines

My brain never shuts off! I’m always thinking of something, maybe its important, maybe it’s not! In any event there’s always stuff going on in my head and it can get very stressful, so much so that I get a headache.  Many of us will develop a headache at some stage, usually as a result of… Read more »

‘The Relaxation Effect’ – for the physical, emotional and energetic body

When you are in a relaxed state the tension melts from your muscles, all those niggling worries seem to vanish from your mind. Drifting in and out of wakefulness, you feel peaceful and somehow replenished, Whether achieved through massage, guided meditation or yoga, instinctively we all know that deep relaxation is good for us. Research… Read more »