‘The Art of Positive Thinking’ – for a balanced life and total wellbeing

There is no greater joy than a healthy, positive life, it makes you feel exhilarated, energetic, happy and on top of the world. A sense of total well-being permeates your mind. The future looks bright. You feel good to be alive.

Great, but how do we get out of our countless worries, tensions and fears that life burdens us with? Tell yourself that you are good, healthy and capable… that’s positive thinking, but is it that simple?

The art of positive thinking can be mastered if you have a strong desire to improve your attitude and become a better person.

Every action you take begins with a thought. Your thoughts drive your attitude in a positive or negative direction. Positive thoughts will propel you toward your goals while negative thoughts keep you stuck and frustrated.

Unfortunately, negative thoughts seem to come more easily than positive ones. You really don’t have to work at having negative thoughts. Part of this is due to how you are constantly bombarded with negativity from the world around you. You don’t have to learn how to have negative thoughts; they come spontaneously.

Positive thinking, on the other hand, is an art form. The positive thinking artist will never stop pursuing the masterpiece of positive thoughts. There is no single recipe to follow in order to achieve consistent positive thinking. But when we speak to ourselves in positive terms, we tend towards self-healing and we can build up positive statements like:


  • I am healing myself positively.  
  • Positive energy is keeping me healthy.    
  • Today I am feeling better than ever before.  
  • Tomorrow I am going to be perfectly all right.

Hear are three simple steps to start you off !

Waking in the morning is a critical time of your day. Many people lie in bed and start worrying about their day. You will have a better day if you get up and start moving. Exercising boosts energy levels and releases endorphins in the brain, giving you a feel good factor. This will help you begin the day with positive thoughts instead of fretting over the day ahead.

Many of us drive or take public transport to work. This time can have a dramatic impact on your day and the thoughts you will have. We often drive mindlessly and after battling traffic congestion our thoughts tend to be negative ones. Make a point of listening to audio programs by Norman Vincent Peale that can help you learn about positive thinking.

How you treat other people affects how you think. When you treat other people as if they are important and listen intently when they talk you impact yourself as well as them. You will also notice that you will receive more positive input from others. This all works together to significantly enhance your ability to think positively.

I hope these ideas can make their way into your day and help you master the art of positive thinking.

Annie Moore MCThA, RCCA, ITHMA, For free advice and consultation call Vidatherapy Spa 020 8614 1199, info@vidatherapy.com, www.vidatherapy.com

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