Are You Age Positive? Positive ageing refers to maintaining a happy lifestyle, staying healthy, engaging fully in life and feeling good about yourself as you mature through life. Many of us react to the aging process in one of two ways. Firstly we see the negative side, associating it with decline and loss. Secondly we become… Read more »
Tag: massage
Combatting signs of Stress!
There are many ways stress can manifest itself in our daily lives. There is also a darker side to stress that no-one talks about. This article will investigate the symptoms and give you advice on how you can overcome it. Stress has become the paradigm of our modern lives. Society here in the west accepts… Read more »
All we want for Christmas is glowing skin
It’s almost a given that most of us will overdo it this Christmas with festive food, booze, shopping and parties aplenty. As a result there is a strong possibility that any amount of overindulgence will take its toll, reflecting poorly on our skin health. The look, as in glow, tone and elasticity of the skin… Read more »
Infertility is on the increase!
Over the past twenty years, fertility problems have increased dramatically. At least 25 percent of couples in the UK planning a baby will have trouble conceiving, and more and more couples are turning to fertility treatments to help them start a family. Infertility is the inability to conceive a child. it also refers to the… Read more »
Keep Calm and Connected
How can you remain calm in your head and relaxed in your body all day when you have so much stuff going on! There’s never enough time to do it in … you’re feeling too tired to contemplate the day ahead, maybe you haven’t started the day in the right frame of mind, or for other… Read more »
Anxiety leads to muscular tension
MUSCLE TENSION IS PROBABLY THE MOST COMMON AND OBVIOUS PHYSICAL SYMPTOM OF ANXIETY. IF YOU FIND PEACE IN YOUR ANXIETY, YOU CAN HEAL TENSE MUSCLES? I have been treating clients with muscular tension for over fifteen years, most have suffered with an anxiety issue. It’s possible this is a modern epidemic, you can see visible effects of anxiety everywhere,… Read more »
What is your complexion telling you?
There is a strong possibility that more women are suffering from a ‘poor complexion’ caused by their stressful modern lifestyles? Stress can affect the skin in many ways. It elevates hormone levels, induces acne, tends to trigger eczema and can age skin prematurely. When there is build up of toxins in your body it is reflected in your… Read more »
Manage Menopause Naturally
Many cultures celebrate the hormonal change as a dawn of a new era in a woman’s life, revering the wisdom that comes with the years, but we in the west tend to associate it with a period of ‘identity crisis’ and negative attitudes. Often called the change of life the menopause is a natural event…. Read more »
The Power of Touch
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” We calm our pets by stroking them, we greet each other with a hug or a handshake,… Read more »
A Pleasurable Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a wonderful time for many women and is considered one of the most exciting and pleasurable experiences we can have. Many women ‘know’ when they are pregnant. This intuitive feeling is probably due to the early outpouring of female hormones, followed by the production of human chorionic ‘gondotrophin’ by fetal tissues as soon… Read more »