Tag: nutrition

Natural Ways To Treat A Cold

Atishoo! Atishoo! We all fall down! Going down with a cold in winter is a common complaint that very rarely can be prevented. It has been said that catching a cold can help to cleanse the body, giving you a good clear out! As the winter temperatures drop, we inevitably tend to congregate indoors, causing… Read more »

The Beauty of Ageing

Are You Age Positive? Positive ageing refers to maintaining a happy lifestyle, staying healthy, engaging fully in life and feeling good about yourself as you mature through life. Many of us react to the aging process in one of two ways. Firstly we see the negative side, associating it with decline and loss. Secondly we become… Read more »

Combatting signs of Stress!

There are many ways stress can manifest itself in our daily lives. There is also a darker side to stress that no-one talks about. This article will investigate the symptoms and give you advice on how you can overcome it. Stress has become the paradigm of our modern lives. Society here in the west accepts… Read more »

Are you living a sedentary lifestyle?

For many people, the week consists of travelling to work, sitting in front of a computer all day and being physically inactive. For others who maybe are retirees there can be equally little or no activity. It is easy to get stuck in a rut of being glued to an office chair for hours on… Read more »

What is your complexion telling you?

There is a strong possibility that more women are suffering from a ‘poor complexion’ caused by their stressful modern lifestyles? Stress can affect the skin in many ways. It elevates hormone levels, induces acne, tends to trigger eczema and can age skin prematurely. When there is build up of toxins in your body it is reflected in your… Read more »

Essential Oils for Better Health

The benefits of natural plant oils have been recognized for more than 6,000 years not only for their appealing fragrances, but also for their healing and mood enhancing properties. Too often today’s lifestyle is overwhelmed by stress, pollution, unhealthy diet, and inactivity. Now we can benefit from natural oils in our daily lives, to encourage… Read more »

Manage Menopause Naturally

Many cultures celebrate the hormonal change as a dawn of a new era in a woman’s life, revering the wisdom that comes with the years, but we in the west tend to associate it with a period of ‘identity crisis’ and negative attitudes. Often called the change of life the menopause is a natural event…. Read more »

A Pleasurable Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for many women and is considered one of the most exciting and pleasurable experiences we can have.  Many women ‘know’ when they are pregnant.  This intuitive feeling is probably due to the early outpouring of female hormones, followed by the production of human chorionic ‘gondotrophin’ by fetal tissues as soon… Read more »

Protect Against Cancer – tips and guidelines for cancer care

It may be surprising to learn that everybody has cancer cells, our bodies are making defective cells all the time. But what’s striking is that different cultures have different rates of the same cancers. Japanese men don’t develop prostrate cancer but Western men do. Japanese women appear to be protected against breast cancer. They have… Read more »

‘Talking Heads’ – manage and prevent headaches and migraines

My brain never shuts off! I’m always thinking of something, maybe its important, maybe it’s not! In any event there’s always stuff going on in my head and it can get very stressful, so much so that I get a headache.  Many of us will develop a headache at some stage, usually as a result of… Read more »