Tag: Lifestyle stress

Dealing With Acne

Sometimes it may seem like your skin is impossible to manage, especially when you wake up and find a spot on the end of your nose! The odd blemish can be zapped with a drop of Tea Tree oil but if your face is covered with angry red spots you may have a problem complexion!… Read more »

Anxiety leads to muscular tension

MUSCLE TENSION IS PROBABLY THE MOST COMMON AND OBVIOUS PHYSICAL SYMPTOM OF ANXIETY. IF YOU FIND PEACE IN YOUR ANXIETY, YOU CAN HEAL TENSE MUSCLES? I have been treating clients with muscular tension for over fifteen years, most have suffered with an anxiety issue. It’s possible this is a modern epidemic, you can see visible effects of anxiety everywhere,… Read more »

Heal, Balance & Enliven Yourself

Ever wondered why you are constantly feeling tired and fatigued? Perhaps you put it down to overwork, stress or just overdoing it! All of these assumptions may be true but they may not be the cause of your symptoms. There is a stronger possibility that your Chakras need balancing. The word Chakra in ancient Sanscrit… Read more »

Manage Menopause Naturally

Many cultures celebrate the hormonal change as a dawn of a new era in a woman’s life, revering the wisdom that comes with the years, but we in the west tend to associate it with a period of ‘identity crisis’ and negative attitudes. Often called the change of life the menopause is a natural event…. Read more »

A Pleasurable Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for many women and is considered one of the most exciting and pleasurable experiences we can have.  Many women ‘know’ when they are pregnant.  This intuitive feeling is probably due to the early outpouring of female hormones, followed by the production of human chorionic ‘gondotrophin’ by fetal tissues as soon… Read more »